Today we had a referral from GHA for a gentleman
Adult X accessed CCG today in sheer desperation as his universal credit payment was not due to be paid for 3 weeks. The money he had previously left him short as he seems to have more going out than he does coming in. He explained that he was up to date with all his bills but the new benefit universal credit he seemed to have less money. He has now fallen behind with his council tax which is making him very depressed which is causing isolation. Adult X was very withdrawn and embarrassed, but I explained about our foodshare project which he seemed to accept.
Adult X was very grateful and I also referred him to my money matters and also Fair Start Scotland in the hope that they can sort out his debt and employment issues.
We will continue to support Adult X in any way we can he has accessed us again and had told me that he had to stop working due to his chronic asthma and as his line of work was gardening it wasn’t appropriate.